1957            Colonna Gallery, Milan

1958            Wildenstein Gallery, London

1958            Waddington Galleries, London

1959            Colonna Gallery, Milan

1961            Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam

1961–62      Garelick’s Gallery, Detroit and Forum Gallery, New York

1962            Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry

1962            Gallery of the Union of Czech Writers, Prague

1964            Arte al Borgo, Palermo

1969            Disparates

                    New 57 Gallery, Edinburgh

1976            New Art Centre, London

1977            Paintings and Drawings 1959–1977
                   Camden Arts Centre and New 57 Gallery, Edinburgh

1978            Gallery of the Institute of Cultural Relations, Budapest

1980            New Art Centre, London

1987            Peter de Francia: Painter and Professor, an anthology

                   Camden Arts Centre, London

1987           Peter de Francia: Paintings and Drawings

                   Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield
1989           Untitled

                   Frith Street Gallery, London
1990           Centre for Contemporary Art, New Delhi
1990           Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London
1995           Gloria Gallery, Nicosia
1996           Drawings 1993–96

                   Austin/Desmond Fine Art, London
1999           Ballets africains: Drawings

                   The Place, London

1999            Drawings

                    Ruskin School, Oxford
2002           Fables and Other Drawings, 1990–2001
                    Queen’s Gallery, British Council, New Delhi

2004           Drawings

                    The Gallery, Wimbledon School of Art

2005            After the Bombing

                    James Hyman Gallery, London

2006            Portraits

                    James Hyman Gallery, London

2006            Peter de Francia

                    Tate Britain, London
2007–08      The Ship of Fools: Peter de Francia in Focus

                     Pallant House Gallery, Chichester
2008            Modern Myths: Drawings from Four Decades
                     New York Studio School

2008            A Sideways Glance: Art World Drawings

                    Charleston, Sussex
2009            Art World Drawings

                     James Hyman Gallery, London

2011             Peter de Francia: A 90th Birthday Retrospective

                    James Hyman Gallery, London

2012             Peter de Francia: An Intimate View

                     James Hyman Gallery, London
2015             Italian Drawings

                     Estorick Collection, London
2017             Le temps s’écoute

                     ASC Gallery, London

2021             Peter de Francia. Disparates: A Centenary Tribute

                     James Hyman Gallery, London

2022            Peter de Francia 1921–2012

                     The Fine Art Society, London and Edinburgh




1948            Some Contemporary British Painters
                   Wildenstein’s, London

1952            Looking Forward: British Realist Pictures, curated by John Berger

                   Whitechapel Art Gallery, London

1956            Looking Forward: An Exhibition of British Realist Pictures Selected by John Berger

                   South London Art Gallery

1956            Three British Painters: Peter de Francia, Derrick Greaves, Edward Middleditch

                    Adams Gallery, London

1956            British Graphic Art Exhibition: 1450–1956

                    Palace Museum, Peking, and touring China

1957–58       John Moores Exhibition

                    Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

1958             Portraiture: The Dying Art

                    Roland, Browse & Delbanco, London

1960             Pittori Realisti e Figurativi, italiani e stranieri

                    Pinacoteca Civica, Alessandria

1960            Das Junge England

                    Europaisches Forum, Alpbach, and Neue Galerie der Stadt, Linz

1963            Contemporary Image

                    Upper Grosvenor Galleries, London

1963            Drawings of the Nude

                    Arthur Jeffress Gallery, London

1963            Paintings by the Staff of the Royal College of Art

                    Cheltenham Art Gallery

1964            Pittsburgh International

1965            Premio Suzzara


1966            Survey ’66: Figurative Painters

                    Hampstead Art Centre, London

1966            Situation 66

                    Rathaus, Augsburg

1966            Engagierte Kunst

                    touring venues in Vienna, Graz, Linz, Alpbach

1975            Body and Soul
                    Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

1976            The Human Clay
                    Hayward Gallery, London
1976            20th-Century Drawing

                    Marlborough Gallery, London

1977            British Painting 1952–1977

                    Royal Academy of Art, London

1979–80      Narrative Paintings: Figurative art of two generations

                    Arnolfini, Bristol; ICA, London;City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent; Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh

1980            British Art 1940–1980
                    Hayward Gallery, London
1982            The Hayward Annual: British Drawing
                    Hayward Gallery, London; Ashley Gallery, Epsom; Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery; Crawford Centre for the Arts, University of St Andrews; Peter Scott Gallery, University of Lancaster; Ferens Art Gallery, Kingston-upon-Hull

1987            Human Interest

                    Cornerhouse, Manchester, and touring

1987            Art History: Artists look at contemporary Britain
                    Hayward Gallery, London

1988            Summer Selection: contemporanea

                    Achim Moeller Fine Art, New York

1989            Blasphemies, Ecstasies, Cries
                    Serpentine Gallery, London
1989            School of London: Works on Paper
                    Odette Gilbert Gallery, London

1997            The Art of Drawing

                    Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

1997            Modern British Art: The First Hundred Years

                    Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

2000            Carnivalesque

                    Arts Council Touring Exhibition

2004            Drawn Together: Five Artists
                    Royal West of England Academy, Bristol

2004            The Discerning Eye

                    Mall Galleries, London

2006            Drawing Inspiration

                    Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal

2006            Portraits: Andrews, Auerbach, Bevan, Coldstream, de Francia, Freud, Kossoff, Moynihan, Paolozzi

                     James Hyman Gallery, London

2006            Wilson Gift

                     Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

2006            New Directions: Paintings and drawings from the 1950s and 1960s by Michael Andrews, Peter de Francia, Derrick Greaves and Robert Medley

                     James Hyman Gallery, London

2006–08     Drawing Breath: 10 Years of the Jerwood Drawing Prize
                    touring venues in Wimbledon, Sydney, Singapore, Bristol, Aberdeen
2006–07     Home and Away

                    James Hyman Fine Art, London

2007            A Tribute to Colin St John Wilson

                    James Hyman Gallery, London

2011             Beyond the Human Clay

                    James Hyman Gallery, London

2012            John Berger: Art and Property Now

                    Somerset House, London

2014            Drawn Together: Artist as Selector

                    Jerwood Gallery, Hastings

2017            Focusing on the Male Form 

                    Henry Miller Fine Art, London

2017            Seeing Through Drawing: A celebration of John Berger

                   Mandell’s Gallery, Norwich

2021            Masterpieces of Twentieth-Century British Art

                    James Hyman Gallery, London





Alfred East Art Gallery, Kettering

Arts Council England

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

British Council, New Delhi

British Museum, London

Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield

Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry

Imperial War Museum, London

Institute of Healthy Ageing, London

Morley College, London

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Museum of Modern Art, Prague

National Museum of Wales, Cardiff

National Portrait Gallery, London

Pallant House, Chichester

Royal College of Art, London

National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh


Tullie House Museum, Carlisle

Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Wimbledon School of Art

Ulster Museum, Belfast

Yale Center for British Art, Newhaven